Integration guide

Translate Framer website with ai

1. Create an account

To get started, please follow the steps below:

  • Sign up at
  • Create a project and select the languages into which you want to translate your website.
  • Click: "Save and integrate"
  • Now you should see a popup that will show you two HTML code snippets. Follow the steps below to integrate the code into your website.

How to add the html script to your website:

Follow the video below to add a custom head code,

To add the language selector, follow these steps:

  • Open your Framer project: Go to your Framer project where you want to add the HTML code snippet.
  • Add an Embed Component:
    • Click on the "+" icon to add a new component.
    • Search for the "Embed" component and drag it onto your canvas.
  • Insert HTML Code:
    • Select the Embed component you just added.
    • In the properties panel on the right side, you will see an option to insert custom code.
    • Click on the "Code" icon or "Edit Code" button.
    • A code editor will open. Paste your HTML code snippet into this editor.
    • Save and close the editor.
  • Adjust Size and Position:
    • You can resize and position the Embed component on your canvas as needed.
    • Use the properties panel to adjust width, height, margins, and other layout properties.
  • Preview and Publish:
    • Preview your Framer project to ensure the HTML snippet is displaying correctly.
    • If everything looks good, publish your website to make the changes live.
  • Plus Icon
    Integrate with

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    Framer Inc.




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